Tata Martino offers his view on Di María and Romero Inter Miami speculation

The Inter Miami coach spoke to the media ahead of the top of the Eastern Conference clash against New York Red Bulls.

Speaking to the press ahead of the Red Bulls game on Saturday, head coach Tata Martino clarified the current situation pointing out that the transfer market is currently closed and that in MLS, there are economic rules that limit the salaries per team.

Sergio Romero, the 37-year-old Boca Juniors goalkeeper and Ángel Di María, 36-year-old Benfica winger, both Argentine footballers are the latest high profile stars to be linked to the Miami team.

Martino refuses to close the door to a possible arrivals

Later, speaking to local radio station Monumental AM 1080, Martino was also asked about the possible additions of Ángel Di María and Sergio Chiquito Romero to the Fort Lauderdale team.

No, there is nothing official from the Sports Director regarding Ángel (Di María) and Chiquito (Romero). Here the league has certain types of economic restrictions, certain limits and it is clear that today we are complying well within those rules so at present contracting these players would not be feasible, especially talking about the economic conditions that would come with both players. Chiquito and Ángel are exceptional players, so the truth is that I have no knowledge, nor do I suspect that economically or by regulation we are in a position to be able to bring them”, he argued.

Martino does not rule out that, during the next MLS transfer market, one of these arrivals could materialize.

“Here the transfer market is closed, it only opens in mid-July. We have to see when we get to that point in time what can be done, because we are always attentive to the transfer market and there are always possibilities to continue improving our roster and we will see when the time comes what possibilities we have” he concluded.

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