OFFICIAL: Porto hit with one-year ban from European competitions & fined €1.5m

OFFICIAL: FC Porto are fined €1.5 million by UEFA due to “debts owed to other football clubs, employees and/or social/fiscal authorities”. They also received a suspended sentence of a one-year ban from European competitions.

The club statement:

The UEFA Financial Control Committee confirmed yesterday in a statement that FC Porto faces a fine of 1.5 million euros and a one-year suspension from UEFA European Competitions during the 2025/26, 2026/27 seasons. and 2027/28. It was also confirmed yesterday that this sanction had already been formally notified to the Club on April 19, 2024.

The Management of Futebol Clube do Porto hereby clarifies to the Members that the sanction now confirmed comes from reckless and ineffective management acts that are the sole responsibility of the members of the previous Management of the Club and its Sports Society and which resulted in non-compliance with the UEFA financial fair play rules, namely non-compliance with payment controls relating to employees, tax authority/social security and football clubs. It should also be noted that the sanction applied proved to be particularly serious due to the repeated non-compliance with these rules, as well as the communication of incorrect and incomplete information to UEFA within the scope of the procedure.

In view of the above, it remains for us to inform members that, despite the existing difficulties, the new elected Board will do everything possible to ensure that all rules and regulations to which the club is subject, including those relating to UEFA’s financial fair play , are always strictly complied with.

The Management will investigate, internally and externally, the reasons why the Club incurred this sanction and will determine the due responsibilities of the people involved, both in repeated non-compliances and in the omission of facts.

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