Ex-AC Milan captain Ambrosini: Pioli work downgraded too soon

Former AC Milan captain Massimo Ambrosini insists coach Stefano Pioli’s work deserves greater recognition.

It’s been suggested Milan are planning to replace Pioli at the end of the season.

Ambrosini told DAZN: “If they have chosen to change the coach, which seems obvious to me, they must choose someone who does not want to clash but to bring out the best from the strongest players they have.

“Milan has lacked a lot in the last period in terms of leadership and personality: there are strong players on a technical level and a coach must be found who knows how to stimulate the best players in the right way.

“There are three of them and they are Leao, Maignan, Theo. They are the ones who could have done more in these last few games. The players can be seen in important matches, the three of them must be stimulated in the right way. Pioli’s work was downgraded too quickly, Milan fans forgot too quickly what this gentleman did with this team.

“This cycle can be said to be over, perhaps because the stimulus that the coach was able to give to the team was not of the necessary level.”

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