Girona Sporting Director speaks on possibility of Aleix Garcia joining Barcelona

Girona Sporting Director Quique Carcel is optimistic that they will not face a charm offensive from Barcelona regarding the future of captain Aleix Garcia this summer. The Spain international has declared his desire to play for the Blaugrana, with who he has been heavily linked throughout the season.

Garcia has been one of the stars of the season for Girona in midfield, as they look to secure Champions League football in the final eight games. Carcel explained that the extra attention has not been good for them this season, in terms of interest in his players.

“Many situations and rumours have emerged, something that has distracted our attention because it is not normal for Girona players to have been on the cover of major newspapers. It is difficult for a Girona player to end up playing for Barca or Real Madrid, because they are clubs that have a very large market,” he told Televisio de Girona, as recounted by MD.

However he did not rule out the possibility of Garcia joining Barcelona this summer.

“Even so, there is a precedent that makes you consider all situations. It is true that what happened last year with Oriol Romeu shows that we cannot say that it is impossible. They are players who are doing very well but I am cautious with the issue of release clauses because they are situations that are not playing out currently.”

The most recent reporting is that Barcelona are moving away from pursuing  the 26-year-old in the summer transfer market. The thinking is that Barcelona Sporting Director Deco believes they need a more defensively focused player at the base of their midfield. However, with financial considerations weighing heavily on their transfer strategy, there is a chance that Garcia does end up as a first choice, as happened with Oriol Romeu last year.

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